Author: mmaierhof
scores should be accessible:
download possibility of scores
I will upload more and more scores with a download option
end of this year I will start with 4 splitting Solo pieces
check out the scores button

splitting 48 (Fran-Drescher-Studies I-III)
The music theater project “We can be heroes” (ran for 2 months in the Frankfurt base) has just come to an end, a documentation of my contribution “splitting 48 (Fran-Drescher-Studies I-III)” can be viewed on YouTube . The visitors could choose a set up from 5 alternatives and now you can take a look at all 5 set ups, this link is for
set up 4.
lecture „multimedia scores“
at tenor 2021, online
may 11th, 6pm
splitting 32.3 with videoscore now online
home opera #2 Sodom und Gomorrha- Premiere

Das Team ist fast dasselbe geblieben, nur die Solistin ist Sopranistin, Marcia Lemke-Kern.
Das Wohnzimmer ist nicht weit entfernt von dem Tatort der letzten “home opera”.
Rechtzeitig reservieren, denn wie immer ist das Platzangebot sehr begrenzt.
Zur Bestellung der Karten mail an
steffenpohl (at)
Michael Maierhof: home opera #2 in Hamburg 6.-8- Februar, 20:00
Zonen 6 and splitting 34.4 at klub katarakt, Jan. 18th, 2020

and a new Video Splitting at Kampnagel
splitting 56.3 on Vinyl out now at Migro records